Wednesday 30 November 2011

Roasted Garlic Arugula Prosciutto Pizza

Fresh baby arugula, yes. Mozzarella & Parmesan, YES. Prosciutto....f*ck YES! The combo of these ingredients bring out a flavor that makes you want to drop to your knees and believe there is a God...

This recipe is EASY, SIMPLE, & friggin AMAJING! Anybody can make this at home and if you can't.....well.. you've got issues. Because I'm not much of a baker, I bought pre-made Pillsbury Pizza Dough....don't judge me. This pizza is good for lunch, snack, dinner or late night munchies! TRY IT .... & save me a piece when you do.


For the Parmesan.. I was just using leftover grated Parmesan.. usually this recipe calls for a fresh block of Parmesan cheese and using a vegetable peeler, you peel off thin slices to add on top of the pizza at the end. It's up to you! (Although the fresh peeled Parmesan does taste effing good)

Before you get too excited, first take your bulb of garlic & cut off the top with a sharp knife. This is for our roasted garlic. Again I need a manicure I know.

Take a piece of foil and place your beheaded garlic bulb on top & drizzle olive oil over it. (I apologize for my sprouting garlic... its not poisonous & I will remove the stems after, I promise)

Wrap up your lubed up bulb to make an atomic bomb.

Stick your garlic bomb anywhere inside the oven &  pre-heat your oven to 500°F. This way you're roasting the garlic & pre-heading the oven at the same time. Effing genius.

While your oven is heating, chop your red onion, the thinner it is, the better it'll taste. Ok maybe not, but it does look pwreetier.

Open your pre-made pizza dough decided to explode open with a *BOOM* when I started ripping. Scared the sh*t out of me -_-''

Flour your counter and roll your dough out.

I found this dough to be very elasticy....I shall try another brand another time. Even though this pizza was good, I'm going to try flat bread or thin crust next time. It could also be because I DON'T HAVE A FRIGGIN ROLLING PIN...making it difficult for me to thin it out *sadface*

Stretch it out with your hands so it will become warmer and easier to work with.

After you roll out your dough to as thin as you can, place your dough onto a greased baking pan. Now stab the dough with a fork all over, this is your anger management exercise of the day.

When your dough and oven is ready to meet, take your garlic bomb out with some tongs, please becareful!

Place your dough into the oven and set your timer for 8 minutes, check every 2 minutes to see if your dough is burning, every oven is different so remember to watch your dough! What you want to achieve here is a crispy browned bottom and browning around the edge of the pizza.

Open up your garlic and using your hands or a fork, remove the cloves from the shells. Becareful its kinda hot.

ZOMFG... if there's anything I love more than garlic.....its roasted garlic. Crush your cloves with the back of a knife and chop them up, they're very soft so its no chore. (I removed the sprouts, as promise, hehe)

When your pizza has reached the desired brown color , take it out with oven mitts & turn your oven DOWN to 350°F. Scatter your roasted garlic all over.....common now... don't be shy.

Next comes the mozzarella............zomggggg.

Sprinkle the pixie dust (Parmesan cheese) and giggle like a school girl from overwhelming excitement.

Spread a generous amount of your chopped red onion (I could only put a little cuz Eggplant doesn't like onions & keeps complaining..... F U!!!)

Stick your baby back into the oven at 350°F for 4-5mins.....after 4 mins I switched the oven to broil to piss off the cheese and red onion. When the top turns golden all over, take your pizza out.

Oh...HAROOO PRWEEZZZ.....we're not finished yet.

In a large bowl, toss in your baby arugula.

Drizzle with olive oil, don't worry, it gets better.

Drizzle your balsamic vinegar......wait for it..

 Crack some fresh black pepper on top.....

Sprinkle your salt ....

NOW MIXXXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This alone could be eaten as a salad, you can pop in a few cherry tomatoes, a liddo red onion, capers and BAM it's like a Cactus Club salad that you don't have to pay $16.99 for!!!!

Take your arugula creation and spread generously over your patiently waiting pizza.

Open your prosciutto and take whiff of that bad boy..... RawRRR

Pick up your prosciutto with tongs/chopsticks/fork/whatever the hell you have & slice them or use your hands & peel them into thinner pieces. I admit 2 pieces went missing during this process........into my mouth.

Shred...shred...shred ...NOmmNomMNommMmM....

Take your prosciutto and place generously...& i mean generously.. all around your pizza.

Crack some fresh black pepper on top.... its so...beautiful...*tear*

Slice your pizza into 4 pieces or however many pieces you want. you can shove the whole effing thing into your mouth for all I care! (I would) Place your pieces on a nice shiny plate...


To be honest I devoured one slice before I took this picture...NOMNOMNOM, ENJOY! Pls try this out!


1 Can of pre-made pizza dough (thin-crust suggested)
Baby Arugula or Reg Arugula
Mozzarella Cheese
Parmesan Cheese
Red Onion
Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar
Black Pepper
Flour *For Dusting*


Take your bulb of garlic and chop off the top, leaving shells on.

Drizzle olive oil into the bulb & wrap up with foil. Preheat your oven to 500° & stick in your bulb of garlic as the oven is preheating so you save time by roasting the garlic and preheating the oven at the same time.

Dust your kitchen counter with flour and roll out your dough to as thin as possible, poke holes all over with a fork and place on a greased baking pan.

When the oven is done preheating, take out your foiled garlic bulb & place your pizza dough into the oven for 6-8 minutes, until the edges are slightly golden.

As your pizza is baking, take out the cloves from the wrapped roasted garlic, please becareful as it might be hot. Smash up and dice your garlic, set aside.

Prepare your arugula topping. Place a handful of arugula into a mixing bowl and dress with balsamic vinegar, olive oil, black pepper, & salt. Taste to your desire.

Thinly slice your red onion.

Once the dough is slightly golden, take it out of the oven and turn your oven down to 350°. Spread your garlic, mozzarella & parmesan generously over the pizza and top with chopped red onions. Stick your pizza back into the oven until the cheese top is bubbly and golden, about 3-6 mins.

When your pizza looks happy and golden , take it out with oven mits and begin spreading the rest of your toppings. Place a good amount of arugula over your pizza while it's still hot/warm so the leaves will wilt a bit, making it easier to bite off the pizza. Take your prosciutto out of the package and shred with your fingers and place a good amount over the arugula.

Top your pizza with fresh black pepper & slice to desired slices.


**There's no measurements for the ingredients because its up to you how much of each item you want to pile onto your pizza. The more the merrier! Happy piling!**


  1. Keep it up kiddo! ✌

  2. Again... beyond mouth watering!!! <3 -Aileen
